In the face of everything today, be it politics or whatever, there is something to be said about putting yourself first. There is so much to be influenced by in this world and in every person you come across. Through my experience on social media I already see the growing grasp of passion that young minds are having, especially on protesting equal rights. And believe me, I think this is the greatest thing that could ever happen. We are the future. This generation is going to carry across and take over for the old people who lived through the 70's and the 80's to a time of new light and prosperity. This is a revolution in the works in my eyes. And everyone who is even a little bit passionate about this is going to make a huge difference. I understand the frustration that so many young people are having right now, in the face of the most recent election and more. I'm right there with you. Having teachers and family, neighbors and even friends preach their personal political agendas to you, claiming to listen to your contrasting beliefs, but really they don't because they will always view you as more naive and less wise. They think you will change your political mind as you face more of the real world. And for some that may be true. But this liberal regime is something amazing in history. Every protest is counting for something. I've put together a list of advice for people who are struggling alongside with me:
1) Don't listen to headlines alone. Do your research. Chances are you will be significantly more respected if you can back up your beliefs. Even if it feels ridiculous, have a couple statistics and stories in the back of your pocket. Read both sides, read multiple sources, and you will be smarter in more ways than one.
2) Don't let the media and memes control your political beliefs. It's easy to sway based on the jokes and the roasting. Enjoy it, partake in it, but don't base your beliefs on it.
3) If you feel strongly about something, you are aloud to feel it. Even if you don't have a million reasons to support a cause, you still can. You don't have to be a woman to be a feminist, an environmentalist to promote climate change, a person of color and/or in the gay community to end racism and discrimination. You are human. And if you hear about something, or a group of people who are suffering, and you think it is wrong, It is okay to support it without any other reason.
4) Be as active as you can. On social media. Peaceful protests. Petitions. Even if it feels like your words and actions are going nowhere. You are partaking. You are instilling hope. And you are making a difference. Because one voice turns into a hundred. And then a thousand. And then millions. It's possible. And it is so important to be active.
After the beautiful thing that was this years women's march, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of power that would have had before the election. Yes there were hundreds of protest, but one as uniting and strong as this may have tilted the whole election differently. If everyone shut off the media and went out to see what everyone really wants and believes. But that dulls when I feel inspired by what that kind of power and voice will do for our future. I can only imagine what kind of strong and wise individuals will rise up from this youthful and passionate group of people.
5) If someone says that you have nothing to protest about, that is okay. Yes, history has come a long way in even just the past few decades alone. But there is still a long way to go. Clearly if any one group of people feels like they need to physically protest for their beliefs for fear that their rights will be taken away, that is enough. If history has taught us one thing, it's that both governments and rights are fragile. Even if a person gains the rights that they desire, there is still setbacks in the minds of their neighbors. There will always be discrimination to fight against. There will always be rights that are in place that need to be protected so that no one will have to take a step backwards. And there is still rights that people want and need. And every person should be aloud to protest for their beliefs as much as they want without being called stupid for it. And everyone should learn to listen to each other.
6) Finally, and this is so important. If you are passionate about all of this, focus your preachings on your peers and people who are younger than you. Don't waste your breathe fighting against people who are older than you and don't believe in the same ideas. It is okay. Your generation and the ones that follow are the minds you need to influence. Because soon, you guys are all going to be in control. You don't have to debate everyone. Swallow the argument, and remember how it all really works. You can't change their minds. And they won't change yours. Use your powerful voice elsewhere. Put yourself first.
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