Monday, January 30, 2017

Book/Movie Review

The Girl On The Train!!! Okay. I know this book has been out for a while. I've seen it on the shelves from it's very debut. I only just recently picked it up though. I heard all of it's praise, and I've always meant to. But I was already late so I just kept putting it off and spending my money on the newer finds. I finally picked it up though and since it's already been reviewed by people a hundred times over I thought I'd talk about the movie too!

As always, book first. And book was better. Of course it was. It was more detailed. And I really enjoyed it! It wasn't one of those, omg I have to keep reading every second of it but I was definitely into it. It was not what I was expecting, and I did like that it wasn't all in Rachel's perspective. The ending was strong. I really liked Megan. IDK why. I just did. Anna's a bitch.

The movie wasn't awful. I mean, it was okay. I didn't mind the casting at all. I really enjoyed that. And it stayed pretty close to the book, only changing minor dialogue and set and story details for a better on-screen flow. It was really well done. In the books it often referenced Rachel as fat, so I was a little curious why they didn't cast someone a bit larger, but she did an amazing job!! It was well-paced. I'm no movie critic and IDK if I'd ever watch it again but I did like it in the moment. Not the worst movie adaptation I've ever seen.

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