Friday, March 17, 2017

Beauty & The Beast

I have two reviews for you!! I've been neglecting reading and blogging so much- I've been working on a large writing project. With all of the hype for the release of the live action Beauty & The Beast today, I'll do a review of the movie as well as a review of a book I just finished.

I'm a big fan of Liz Braswell's partnership with Disney to rewrite the endings of Disney classic movies. She did an amazing job with Aladdin, so I was super psyched about this one. As the cover reads, it basically retells Beauty & The Beast, in a version where Belle's mother was the enchantress who cursed The Beast. Her approaches are always very unique and easy to follow, it fits together in such a satisfying way that it could be the original story and I wouldn't be mad. It brings a new perspective to these stories with connections I never really thought about. Definitely check this title out if you think you'd be a fan!! 

I saw the movie today and Oh. My. Goodness. It was so beautiful! It was so cool to see my favorite Disney Princess in live action. Emma Watson did a beautiful job but I was absolutely starstruck by Dan Stevens. The cinematography was beautiful and the story was well done and not much different. I definitely recommend giving it a chance even if the live action remakes aren't your thing. It was also hinting a lot at incorporating gay and interracial couples which I was STOKED about. 

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Book Review

Happy February 2017!!

It Get's Worse by Shane Dawson

Today I want to talk about Shane. If you don't know who he is, you either live in a hole, you don't go on youtube, or maybe you just don't spend hours watching people eat food and light shit on fire. It's probably the latter. But anyways, I love Shane. He put this collection of essays out back in July and I've finally had the chance to read it and it was wonderful! It was just really cool to get to know him better, and since reading, I have a deeper appreciation for how hard he works and what he does. He's been through so much and his success story is just very real and genuine. Also, his life is just insane. So much has happened to him and he clearly has a lot of stories to tell. The writing was written just how he speaks, I read the whole thing in his voice. His self-depreciating jokes are always fun to laugh at, and they're oh too relatable. But at the end of the day, especially after learning more about his personal life, he's not trash. Quite the opposite. I doubt this review gets to him, but I just hope that it's added to the list of all the good reviews of his content and personality, and that he knows that all of his supporters will forever outweigh whatever the big critics say.

Love, Skyleigh

Monday, January 30, 2017

Book/Movie Review

The Girl On The Train!!! Okay. I know this book has been out for a while. I've seen it on the shelves from it's very debut. I only just recently picked it up though. I heard all of it's praise, and I've always meant to. But I was already late so I just kept putting it off and spending my money on the newer finds. I finally picked it up though and since it's already been reviewed by people a hundred times over I thought I'd talk about the movie too!

As always, book first. And book was better. Of course it was. It was more detailed. And I really enjoyed it! It wasn't one of those, omg I have to keep reading every second of it but I was definitely into it. It was not what I was expecting, and I did like that it wasn't all in Rachel's perspective. The ending was strong. I really liked Megan. IDK why. I just did. Anna's a bitch.

The movie wasn't awful. I mean, it was okay. I didn't mind the casting at all. I really enjoyed that. And it stayed pretty close to the book, only changing minor dialogue and set and story details for a better on-screen flow. It was really well done. In the books it often referenced Rachel as fat, so I was a little curious why they didn't cast someone a bit larger, but she did an amazing job!! It was well-paced. I'm no movie critic and IDK if I'd ever watch it again but I did like it in the moment. Not the worst movie adaptation I've ever seen.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Putting Yourself First

In the face of everything today, be it politics or whatever, there is something to be said about putting yourself first. There is so much to be influenced by in this world and in every person you come across. Through my experience on social media I already see the growing grasp of passion that young minds are having, especially on protesting equal rights. And believe me, I think this is the greatest thing that could ever happen. We are the future. This generation is going to carry across and take over for the old people who lived through the 70's and the 80's to a time of new light and prosperity. This is a revolution in the works in my eyes. And everyone who is even a little bit passionate about this is going to make a huge difference. I understand the frustration that so many young people are having right now, in the face of the most recent election and more. I'm right there with you. Having teachers and family, neighbors and even friends preach their personal political agendas to you, claiming to listen to your contrasting beliefs, but really they don't because they will always view you as more naive and less wise. They think you will change your political mind as you face more of the real world. And for some that may be true. But this liberal regime is something amazing in history. Every protest is counting for something. I've put together a list of advice for people who are struggling alongside with me:

1) Don't listen to headlines alone. Do your research. Chances are you will be significantly more respected if you can back up your beliefs. Even if it feels ridiculous, have a couple statistics and stories in the back of your pocket. Read both sides, read multiple sources, and you will be smarter in more ways than one.

2) Don't let the media and memes control your political beliefs. It's easy to sway based on the jokes and the roasting. Enjoy it, partake in it, but don't base your beliefs on it.

3) If you feel strongly about something, you are aloud to feel it. Even if you don't have a million reasons to support a cause, you still can. You don't have to be a woman to be a feminist, an environmentalist to promote climate change, a person of color and/or in the gay community to end racism and discrimination. You are human. And if you hear about something, or a group of people who are suffering, and you think it is wrong, It is okay to support it without any other reason.

4) Be as active as you can. On social media. Peaceful protests. Petitions. Even if it feels like your words and actions are going nowhere. You are partaking. You are instilling hope. And you are making a difference. Because one voice turns into a hundred. And then a thousand. And then millions. It's possible. And it is so important to be active.

After the beautiful thing that was this years women's march, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of power that would have had before the election. Yes there were hundreds of protest, but one as uniting and strong as this may have tilted the whole election differently. If everyone shut off the media and went out to see what everyone really wants and believes. But that dulls when I feel inspired by what that kind of power and voice will do for our future. I can only imagine what kind of strong and wise individuals will rise up from this youthful and passionate group of people.

5) If someone says that you have nothing to protest about, that is okay. Yes, history has come a long way in even just the past few decades alone. But there is still a long way to go. Clearly if any one group of people feels like they need to physically protest for their beliefs for fear that their rights will be taken away, that is enough. If history has taught us one thing, it's that both governments and rights are fragile. Even if a person gains the rights that they desire, there is still setbacks in the minds of their neighbors. There will always be discrimination to fight against. There will always be rights that are in place that need to be protected so that no one will have to take a step backwards. And there is still rights that people want and need. And every person should be aloud to protest for their beliefs as much as they want without being called stupid for it. And everyone should learn to listen to each other.

6) Finally, and this is so important. If you are passionate about all of this, focus your preachings on your peers and people who are younger than you. Don't waste your breathe fighting against people who are older than you and don't believe in the same ideas. It is okay. Your generation and the ones that follow are the minds you need to influence. Because soon, you guys are all going to be in control. You don't have to debate everyone. Swallow the argument, and remember how it all really works. You can't change their minds. And they won't change yours. Use your powerful voice elsewhere. Put yourself first.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Album Review: The xx

I See You by The xx
London band The xx just released their third album a few days ago. Their solemn retro vibes leave everyone wanting to road trip to the forest to think about the deep things. They are just this wonderful ball of slow indie alternative blessings and they have an extreme gift for lyric writing. I was so excited upon arrival of this album and I had no doubts of any disappointment that I would love it so so much. 

The track list is as follows:
Say Something Loving
A Violent Noise
Brave For You
On Hold
I Dare You
Test Me 

There wasn't a single song that I didn't care for. In particular I really recommend A Violent Noise. Lyrically, Performance was a genius. And Brave For You was a really pure story. For full effect listen to the whole thing from start to finish. I felt so immersed in the world they created and all I could do was think about it. It made me want to disappear for days on end in a place that is filled with forest green and the color of the clouds that are filled with rain. 

Friday, January 13, 2017


I am on the breach of an existential crisis. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I have just realized that I am not a credible literary critic. How convenient to realize such a thing, after creating a blog for that exact occupation. I probably shouldn't label myself as such a thing anyway, It's not like I work for the Chicago Tribune or something. I bet three people are going to read this, and I know all of them. But you know what, literary criticism does not require a verification. I can read, I study literature. I am a damn literary critic. Just not a very credible one. I mean, what literary critic genuinely enjoys Twilight?! (Hint: it's me).

I'm working on a new review and it happens to be a book that has gotten a lot of rage over the last few months. I've been meaning to read it since before it was hyped but shit happens. But it got me thinking about how teenagers extremely hype up some of the books in this genre. What are the most overrated books in the field? I thought of a few books that I considered to be overrated, or rather just not as good as I was hoping. Upon comparing this to some articles and polls online, I discovered that I am in fact complete book trash. I love all of them. And while they might be "overrated" in some eyes, I feel the attention is rightfully deserved. 

According to Goodreads and The Top Tens, the most overrated books include:

1) The Twilight Saga. Okay, I saw this coming. I know Meyer is not everyones cup of tea. These books are so controversial, but to be completely honest. I didn't hate them at all. I really like the series. And while I wouldn't do any deep literary analysis on it, I do really enjoy the aesthetic of the stories, as dumb and cliché as they are. I always want to reread Twilight during the Fall season.  

2) The Great Gatsby. Are you f**cking kidding me?? The literal art that is F. Scott Fitzgerald? Who wrote this article? I don't know her. I understand how people would think it to be overrated before they actually read it, but that imagery is timeless. I live for the imagery it's the best part of the story and it feels like an artistic piece that should be up in a museum. It's one of those beautiful tragic things that makes your heart swell and sink at the same time. Fitzgerald novels are classic. Never overrated. 

3) Divergent. Maybe I'm just biased because I will always have a crush on Tobias, but I loved those books. While they continually got a little worse as the trilogy went on I loved them enough to be mad at the plot and keep reading. The first book however I really enjoyed and always thought was a genius concept. For that reason, I wouldn't say it's overrated. The concept of the plot is the reason that it is the face of the YA Fiction world. 

4)  Fifty Shades of Grey. Can't speak for this one. I've been reluctant to pick it up. 

5) Mockingjay. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! My actual child. I love the whole trilogy. I was one of those people obsessed with these books and I was at every first premier for the movies. I thought it was the best way to end it. Finnick is my favorite character though. I will never forgive for that. Not overrated. Underrated, if possible. 

6) The Bible. Interesting that this made it on the list? I don't want to speak about this one just because I don't want to offend anyone. I don't affiliate with it and I've never read any of it so I can't really say. That's an interesting debate. 

7)  Breaking Dawn. I read it. Enjoyed it. I loved it honestly. I don't know why everyone hates so much on the concept, most everyone judges it but I know there's some people out there who love it and I appreciate you. Keep loving it. 

8) The Hunger Games. Go back and reread the last sentence of number 5.

9) The Fault in Our Stars. Okay. The reason I love this book so much has less to do with the chick flick YA romance, but rather John Green's writing. I love the existential deep stuff. It really coincides with me and it matters a lot. Appreciate that next time you read it and it won't seem so overrated.

10) Eleanor and Park. I really enjoyed it. It was cute. I could agree that it might be a little overrated. But worth enough hype that everyone should still read it. 

So there you have it. I love overrated books. If I were to have been able to critique them professionally back when they came out, you can bet I would have given them all the praise in the world. But that's just the thing. So many critics gave those books praise. So many fans read them and loved them and still do. And I wonder if maybe it's because they just aren't relevant anymore that now they are deemed as overrated. I'd be proud to have an overrated book if they consist of all of these. Isn't it a little true that everyone who judges and deems things as overrated could just be jealous or even careless? Moral of the story? Keep reading. Whether the books are overrated or not, reading is reading. Let it not be diminished. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Book Review

THE MARTIAN!! I've been meaning to read this for ages!! Ages!!! Andy Weir, this is a masterpiece. I know I'm not the only person who loves reading about space and science, yet fear the technological diction to be just a little ahead of what you enjoy trying to comprehend. This book was very easy to follow, even for someone who knows next to nothing about the details of NASA projects and how and why they work. Very well explained, lovable characters, and an absolutely hilarious Mark Watney make for a novel that is impossible to put down. I've been in a slump for ages and it felt so good to pick up a title that was impossible to put down. Highly recommended, one of my new favorite titles. It will make you laugh and cry, every turn of the page is in anticipation. Very well executed.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Book Review

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist

I was really pumped-albeit a little skeptical when I picked up this title. I was worried that the title itself was just a little too cliche for the world of YA. But, trusting Levithan and Cohn (bless their souls), I chose to give it a chance anyway. 

Basically, it's the one night adventure that every teenager dreams about, the unrealistic romance and spontaneity that makes it all seem like a movie. It was super fast paced, a little confusing, but the two writing styles blended nicely. The characters were lovable, but overall the story was just a little too cliche. Of course I'm a slut for books like this, so I did overall enjoy it. But if you can't handle another messy romantic adventure where the teenagers just think a little too deep, this title probably isn't for you.