Monday, October 31, 2016

Book Review:

THE FEVER CODE. Oh my gosh. I won't spoil anything in my review. The book was amazing! I wanted to tear through it in a day but It's been a busy few weeks. James Dashner, I can't believe that ending I have so many more questions now!! It was a crazy idea that you will all have to read for yourselves. It was the same narration and characters we all know and love from the initial trilogy. It was really great because it was a way for the story to continue without overusing it and spinning off too much. It was really well done and it only reminded me of how much I love love love these books. I'm so happy this book exists and for the die hard fans it is definitely worth the read. Hopefully it will hold you off until The Death Cure movie release. Love you so much Dylan :'(
An exciting read, worth every penny. 

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Do You Actually Have Good Taste In Books?

Curtesy of the wonderful Buzzfeed, I thought I would take a second and let you get to know me a little bit as a reader! :)
  • Hardback or Paperback? Paperback! Saves me tons of money and I like the aesthetic a little bit better on my shelves. I'll buy a hardcover if it's a new book or one of deep significance to me. Otherwise, it's a lot easier to just go with paperback. And since I have not yet moved on to using my kindle for all of my reading, a paperback book is a near second on the list of types of books that are easy to lug around.
  • Harry Potter or Lord of The Rings? HARRY POTTER THE BOY WHO LIVED>>>>> LOTR. I've given LOTR a try many times but Harry Potter was an effortless read and it's just one of my favorite things in the world. I'm addicted to the HP world. (I'm a Slytherin btw! Comment your house!)
  • The smell of an old book or the smell of a new book? The smell of a new book. Nothing beats it. I've always said they should sell candles with that smell. They'd make a fortune off of me. 
  • Stephen King or RL Stine? I don't read much of either of these guys. But doesn't Stephen King beat all? 
  • Sci-Fi or Fantasy? Oh god I love both! Agh!!!!!!! But probably Sci-Fi just because of my love for outer space. Otherwise fantasy stuff is my shit. Actually, fantasy stuff that takes place in outer space. That is my shit. 
  • Reading indoors or outdoors? Indoors. Not that I don't love reading outside. It's actually probably definitely better than reading inside most of the time. But I just forget to go outside. And there isn't many beautiful reading spots around me anyway. 
  • Twilight or 50 Shades of Grey? Twilight!! Yes I actually love Twilight. Let me live. I love rereading it during the fall months. 
  • Shop online or from a local book store? I always shop in stores unless I'm preordering a new title. 
  • The Great Gatsby or The Catcher In The Rye? Both made my life so much better. But Fitzgerald stole my heart with his imagery. The most tragically beautiful novel I've ever read. I have the whole book highlighted. 
  • Fiction or Nonfiction? Fiction. But I do love some David Foster Wallace Nonfiction. 
  • Bookmarks or dog-earing? Bookmarks. I have a book full of bookmarks is that weird? Like, that's where I keep them all. And when I start a new book I open my bookmark book and pick one! Anyone else do that?
  • Dr. Seuss or Roald Dahl? Love both but Roald Dahl! Love his stories. Timeless.
  • E-Book or Audio Book? E-Book! I lose focus too easily with audio. Neither or these will ever top the sound of page flipping though. 

And there you have it :) I wanted to make this more personal and let you see what I look like/learn a little about me! 

outtake lol 

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Music Recommendations!! What should you be streaming?


The alternative world has been so blessed these past few weeks with some mind blowing releases, and if you haven't heard them, you ought to. RN.

Comment your favorite track!

Okay first we need to have a talk about 22, A Million. Number 1 on alternative charts right now, and it is just so refreshing to be jamming to new Bon Iver sounds.

The night of it's release I listened while laying down on my bedroom floor with my eyes closed and despite some interruptions it was the most incredible experience. I haven't been able to write much in the past couple of weeks, call it being lazy or uninspired or both, but by the time 8 (circle) came on-my favorite track by the way- I practically leaped for my writing book. I had to document what I was feeling. The words were just spilling out of me I was so inspired to write.

The next morning I went for a drive watching the sunrise and then went for a morning run staring at the mountains all while listening to it.
It was the most beautiful reprieve from my day-to-day life.

Thank you Bon Iver, for the emotional and uniquely sound filled experience. You never disappoint. It's unlike any album I've ever seen from him, but still Bon Iver vibes just the same.

Let's talk about The Chainsmokers new single

Released just days ago, it's already climbing the charts. We all love The Chainsmokers and they're totally ruling the music industry right now. Give it a listen right here if you haven't yet!

I'm a total sucker for these guys... their sound is a total release and great for jumping around and laughing. Totally road trip worthy. My friend and I made a parody video of Closer last week and it's on my twitter if you want to watch! (@Skyleigh_Ann)

The Mowgli's! OMG! Where'd Your Weekend Go? Is here! It came so fast!!

I love these guys. Plain and simple. They are the happiest little beans of sunshine and you definitely are going to want to give this album a listen. Preferably during a long drive in the sunshine with the windows down.

I'll forever be sad that I just missed their set at a music festival a few months ago. I really need to get to one of their shows to party.

P.S. they are also the absolute SWEETEST on Twitter. :) Love em so much.

Bishop Briggs. Oh my gosh. Someone in her life seriously screwed her over and now the entire world is blessed with the most fierce sound. She is a little ball of fire and her voice is so powerful and her words even more so. I love her so much. Witnessing her live was like a passionate story that I was absolutely addicted to. Her new single Be Your Love is so beautiful and if you haven't you can check it out here -->

You might recognize her voice from the crazy success of her single River! It's been playing all over radio stations and is topping the alternative charts. Love her. Can't wait for what's next.

Prepare for emo. Have you heard twenty one pilots' cover of Cancer by My Chemical Romance yet? You probably have. But it should forever be talked about. Oh my gosh.
He sang it so softly, it's almost comforting, like Tyler knew how fragile this song is for so many people. It was so perfectly remade, in a way that didn't change the song in a bad way- just gave it that perfect little TOP spin.
Listen again or for the first time here:

Comment your favorite Armors song! 

Released earlier this month, Armors dropped a song called Genesis. Absolute gems with the most pure sound. Check out these guys!!

what's your fave track???!!

Thank you that is all.

What's New on My Radar? 

Splendor and Misery by clipping.
This album just came out too!

Definitely an acquired taste, but a rap album with an outer space concept?! I'm so in. This is super dope.

clipping describes this album as "follow[ing] the sole survivor of a slave uprising on an interstellar cargo ship, and the on board computer that falls in love with him."
super rare and awesome sound.

Racing Glaciers. I recently found these guys and I cannot stress enough how great they are. I really love them.
My favorite songs are First Light, Moths and Nag Champa. Their                                                           newest release was just back in August, an album titled Caught in The Strange and it is wicked awesome!! I'm so transfixed in their sound.
                                                      Check out the new album here!        

Please Never Let These Classic Songs Die! They Need All The Appreciation!!

These are some older jams that have been on repeat lately!!

Spiderwebs- No Doubt

Starting Over- Macklemore and Ryan Lewis feat. Ben Bridwell

Dancing with Myself- Billy Idol

My Top Streamed Songs Lately 

Minus all of the things mentioned above^ lol

What's your fave song?

Language & Perspective by Bad Suns. Cardiac Arrest is on repeat!!!

What's your favorite?

SoCal vibes!!!!! Best album Eva!! Luv this guy!!

Fun Fact! This beauty was all written between the hours of 12 AM and 4 AM
Hence twelvefour

The Paper Kites!! Ever since Bloom came out I've loved them so much and a while back I finally figured out what band wrote that song after always hearing it around. All the rest of their stuff is golden. This album. So beautiful.

Who's your favorite character from this movie?

And finally... SPOOKY VIBES!! This is my favorite movie. One day I'm gonna put on a one woman show of this movie. Be prepared. It's gonna happen one day.

And there you have it! I'd love to make this a regular thing every few weeks! Comment if you would dig that! :)
Thanks birds!!